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Hot Ingredient-NMN

NMN OEM & Private Label

NMN Private Label

  • OEM NMN supplements are currently available in the following dosage forms: plant capsules, hard capsules, and powders .

  • Our company uses advanced technology to extract and purify raw materials, and produces high-quality NMN with a purity of up to 99.9% through international standard production space and rigorous production processes.

  • We accept all kinds of NMN OEM orders, and we also have professional formulators to customize your own NMN products according to your needs.


1. Ready-made NMN formula

Ready-made NMN formulas created by professional formulators helps you quickly establish your own brand.


2. Customized formulation

Formulators can adjust the NMN formula to meet your different health needs.


3. Customer's formula

You can provide your  formula and our team will check and review the formula ingredients.

What is the NMN?

Nicotinamide MonoNucleotide (NMN) is a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a compound found in every cell in your body. NAD+ acts as a coenzyme, which is a compound necessary for the functioning of proteins called enzymes.

NAD+ is involved in important processes such as energy metabolism, gene expression, and the regulation of mitochondrial functioning.

NAD+ levels naturally decline with age due to decreased production and increased use of this important compound. This depletion may negatively impact health status during aging and may increase the risk of age-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

NMN supplements | Biopharm OEM
nmn-graphics | Biopharm OEM

What are the benefits of NMN?

  • NMN participates in various physiological reactions, but NAD+ is the key. Not only the appearance, but also the functions of the organs and tissues of the body gradually lose their functions as NAD+ decreases. From the brain, heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, genitals, lymph, muscles and fat tissues, they are all under its control. Therefore, the reduction of NAD+ has a great impact on the body.


NMN Benefits in Anti-Aging

  NMN holds substantial promise in anti-aging endeavors due to its diverse range of potential benefits that contribute to a holistic approach to ageing, including Skin Health Improvement, Energy Enhancement as well as Cellular Processes and Longevity.

​Improves Muscle Function

Our bones and muscles consume glucose and fatty acids in order to continue functioning. NAD+ helps them to be metabolised into the system. Without it, everything slows down and muscle endurance declines.NMN as one of its transporters has been shown to increase strength and physical endurance in mice.

Restores Blood Vessel Health

NMN has been shown to reverse blood vessel dysfunction by reducing blood vessel inflammation in mice. One of the ways senescent cells contribute to aging is by promoting inflammation, which underlies nearly every age-related disease.

Improves Cognitive Function

NMN has been shown to increases blood flow to the brain and improve cognitive function in mice. Models of Alzheimer’s disease showed improved cognition and memory with NMN supplementation.

NMN OEM Inquiry

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nmn-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide | Biopharm OEM
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